Over 18’s Art Club - Easter Chocolate Nests & Baskets
Thursday 10th April 18:30pm
Book Over 18’s Art Club - Easter Chocolate Nests & BasketsEaster Giant Chocolate button & truffle making workshop - Everyone Welcome
Tuesday 15th April 10:00am
Book Easter Giant Chocolate button & truffle making workshop - Everyone WelcomeBenefits Advice for Vision Impaired Adults 18+ with Possability People
Thursday 17th April 19:00pm
Book Benefits Advice for Vision Impaired Adults 18+ with Possability PeopleUnder 18’s Art Club - Easter Chocolate Nests & Baskets
Saturday 19th April 10:00am
Book Under 18’s Art Club - Easter Chocolate Nests & BasketsPeer Mentoring for Vision Impaired Young People with LOOK
Thursday 15th May 19:00pm
Book Peer Mentoring for Vision Impaired Young People with LOOKCoffee morning for parents and carers of vision impaired children
Saturday 17th May 10:00am
Book Coffee morning for parents and carers of vision impaired childrenParental Self Advocacy for your VI Child/Young Person with LOOK
Thursday 19th June 19:00pm
Book Parental Self Advocacy for your VI Child/Young Person with LOOKTiny Talks - Big Insights: Technology Guidance for VI Young People with BCT
Thursday 17th July 19:00pm
Book Tiny Talks - Big Insights: Technology Guidance for VI Young People with BCT